Chitwan National Park is a wildlife enthusiast's dream, boasting a diverse range of animals. The list of animals to be seen in Chitwan National Park are the long lists since we have 50 + mammals , 700+ different species of birds are recorded in the book of Chitwan National Park.

The 963 Sq. Meter national park itself is the paradise for the animals , birds, flora and fauna as it has the tropical climate with the enough water resources fed through the gigantic Rapti and Narayani River.

Out of many National Parks in Nepal , Chitwan National Park is the most complete National park in terms of the resources required for the animals and plants survival . Every tourist visiting chitwan national park have not returned back without spotting the countable number for mammals, birds, reptiles and of-course the varieties of Plants.

Here are few list out of hundreds of species, what you might encounter on your Chitwan Jungle Safari :

Big Five Mammals of Chitwan National Park

  • One-horned Rhinoceros: Chitwan is renowned for its large population of these iconic animals.
  • Bengal Tiger: While sightings are not guaranteed, the park is home to a healthy tiger population ie 128 tigers .
  • Asian Elephant: Often seen in herds, these gentle giants are a magnificent sight.
  • Sloth Bears : The Big black bears with white nose can be easily spotted specially during March , April
  • Leopards : The shy cat family are seen jumping through trees and seen drinking water in Rapti River .

Other Mammals

  • Deer: Various species like spotted deer, sambar, and barking deer are common.
  • Wild Boar: These nocturnal creatures can sometimes be spotted during early morning safaris.
  • Monkeys: Rhesus macaques and langurs are frequently seen.
  • Gaur (Indian Bison): The largest wild cattle in Asia, these massive animals are impressive.

Reptiles and Amphibians

  • Crocodiles: Both Gharial and Mugger crocodiles inhabit the park's rivers.
  • Snakes: While rare sightings, pythons and other snakes might be encountered.


Chitwan National Park is a birdwatcher's paradisewith over 700 species recorded, boasting an impressive diversity of avian species. While it's challenging to pinpoint the "most unique" birds, here are some standouts that captivate bird enthusiasts:

  • Hornbills  : This magnificent bird is instantly recognizable by its massive bill and casque. It's a thrilling sight to witness these birds soaring through the forest canopy.
  • Black-headed Ibis: A striking wading bird with a distinctive red head and long, curved bill.
  • Sarus Crane: The world's tallest flying bird, the Sarus Crane is a majestic sight in the wetlands.
  • Bar-headed Goose: This high-altitude migrant braves the Himalayas to reach Chitwan's wintering grounds.
  • Parrot: Various parrot species, including the Ring-necked Parakeet, add splashes of color to the Chitwan landscape.
  • Jungle Myna: A clever mimic with a wide vocal range.
  • Grey-headed Fish Eagle: A powerful fisher with a distinctive call.  
  • Common Kingfisher: A vibrant bird that dives for fish in the river.

For the best Chitwan Jungle Safari Trip : Click here